
The Pitt TutorOcean platform is only available to users who have been invited to use the platform by a program manager or other university administrator. 

If you are a tutor in an existing program, please request your personal classroom link from your program manager below.

If you are an advisor, mentor, or instructor who would like to have a new classroom set up on Pitt TutorOcean, please contact the Technology Help Desk at helpdesk@pitt.edu or 412-624-4357.

Program Managers

Name Email Program
Pam Allan weazer@pitt.edu Academic Support Services for Student Athletes (ASSSA)
Jennifer Smith  jes351@pitt.edu Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences’ Study Lab
Daniel Hockensmith hockens2@pitt.edu Math Assistance Center
Larissa Ciuca lbc17@pitt.edu School of Computing and Information Student Success
Magdalene Ristow mkr42@pitt.edu  TRIO Student Support Services (SSS)
Michele Marie Lagnese mml52@pitt.edu TRIO Student Support Services (SSS)
Leanna Noon lbn5@pitt.edu University of Pittsburgh Johnstown Academic Success Center (ASC)
Katherine Kinsinger kinsing@pitt.edu University of Pittsburgh Johnstown Academic Success Center (ASC)
Note: Pitt TutorOcean should be experienced on a desktop or laptop computer using a Chrome or Firefox browser. Tablets and mobile devices are not currently supported. 

Not sure who your program manager is? Interested in becoming a tutor? Please email studentsuccess@pitt.edu with any questions.